Prowler Owners Association ScrapBook
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Laddie Roussel
We live in Mandeville, Louisiana about 40 miles Northeast of downtown New Orleans across Lake Ponchatrain. Here's a few pics from a few of our trips and Best ET time slips from the track. We enjoy traveling to events to meet other Prowler owners & enthusiasts.
From Show N Go Jackson, MS.
Laddie & Flamin Red Prowler
Prowler & new Corvette Z06 getting ready to race at State Capital Raceway near Baton Rouge, LA. The five South Louisiana Corvette Clubs rented the track for a fun day at Drags & picnic. And, we could bring whatever cars we wanted...
Time slip from race. I beat the Z06 for 1/8 mile. It was a close race. The Z06 was really flying toward the end of 1/4 mile. I did beat all C4 & C5 corvettes that day. Both Z06s beat me that day in the 1/4 mile... We had 75 cars at this private event & 125 people. 60 Cars raced, 50 were vettes, one Prowler & 9 other assorted vehicles. Everyone had terrific time & now want to do it annualy (maybe twice a year) but in cooler weather.
My 2001 Dodge Ram diesel decorated for the 4th of July trip to Crazy Horse 2001 Event.
Karen & me in our 4th of July vests ready for parades in Deadwood & Leads. Karen made our vests & the hat bands (including one set with Red Prowler car on front). I have the cars & she has computer sewing machine for embroidery & stuff.
Karen & me in front of Mt. Rushmore.
In front of Crazy Horse Memorial. You can see Crazy Horse's head & the horse's head in process.
Here's side view of 39 Prowlers getting ready for group pic at Crazy Horse Memorial.
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001. The "Bayou Kat" in staging lanes at No Problem Raceway (Belle Rose, La.) Set new best time for me with two runs in the 12s. I had a 12.91 ET in 1/4 at 104.41 mph & a 12.93 ET at 104.65 mph for the 1/4 mile. I'm the 7th Prowler to join the 12 "Second Club". The weather was perfect, sunny, 71 degrees & 54% humidity at 3:00pm.
A friend of mine was out with a 2002 Corvette Z06 (405 HP). The Z06's best time today was a 13.6 ET & 106 mph. The Prowler ruled today. However, this car is fast & once the owner gets the shifting down, this time should be in the 12s.
My time slips for my new best times from Oct. 17th 2001 at No Problem Raceway.
Here's my Super Charged Prowler with the Paxton (low boost kit) and Prowler Pro Gears at Corvette Club Day at No Problem Raceway. Set new personal best ET for 1/4 mile. 12.88 ET & 107.53 mph... I've been running this same setup for two years along with a modified Torque Converter. We had over 600 people at track, 350 cars & 180 cars got teched for the track. I hosted the event and we did the drag strip in morning. In the afternoon, we did the 1.8 mile road course (stage I 20 cars touring laps; stage II 5 cars at a time up to hwy speeds).
Here's the time slip for Best ET to date... 12.88 & 107. 53 mph...
Prowlin the Rockies 2002. Here's a shot overlooking the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. We were cruisin with Ron & Sue Clark (Candy Red) & Steve Clark.
Prowlin the Rockies 2002. Here Karen & I are at the Top of Mt. Evans. 14,200 ft. Highest paved road in North America. This was quite a ride to the top... We had 67+ Prowlers on attend this event...
We went out to No Problem Raceway on Father's Day 2002 to run some Hot Laps around the 1/2 mile road course (known as the Peanut because of it's shape). We had a blast & the Prowler handled very well. I was able to keep up with the vettes... Running in 2nd gear using autostick...
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